Randy Newman is awesome. Awesome.
I will second the White Stripes recommendation even though the drumming sucks (which really hurts when there are only two band members). Jack White is just phenomenal enough to overcome it.
Easy on the conservatives there Kris (and you can dance?). Derb is a proud Paul supporter. NR will get behind McCain though. This is not a suprise or unprincipled. NR is not going to depress turnout so that a socialist gets elected. So far only Ann Coulter has come out in favor of letting the Democrats win. Is this what you expect conservatives to do? There will be two choices in November, and I will not vote for the socialist one even though McCain is offensive to some of my principles. Most candidates are, especially the Republican field we had this year. Are conservative supposed to keep arguing for people who are not on the ballot anymore (Giuliani, Romney)? Eschew voting? This is how our republic works. You know this.