Monday, March 31, 2008

Baseball and Science

Thoughtful people root for losers?


Not what it looks like. Thank God it's Baseball Season. George Will kicked off the season on ESPN last night and in the Post yesterday.

The Nationals opened their new park just down the street from the Capitol with a walk-off homer from their franchise player to defeat the Braves.

Perhaps the new park and the higher profile of baseball in DC will remind the city's inhabitants that there is more to life than politics, even more important things--baseball being chief among them.

Go RedLegs!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Uh, I'm there.

Lundgren describes "Command" as " 'Die Hard' at a rock concert".

Svelte! I hope it's a Flock of Seagulls cover band. Or Duran Duran.

Friday, March 28, 2008

On the other hand...

... this promises to be completely awesome.

Dolph Lundgren plays a drummer for a band giving a concert in--wait for it!--Russia, when the concert hall is attacked by, oh I dunno, terrorists for something. Oh yeah, and this drummer is an ex-marine.

When he's not hitting all the fills, he's kicking ass. Double time. With both feet. Shit, this thing writes itself!

Starring and directed by Dolph Lundgren!

Another Movie Prediction

I'll prematurely predict The Watchmen (due out in March 09) as a future flop, in the same vein as GI Joe.

After the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and V for Vendetta, I just can't place any more stock in an Alan Moore adaptation. V for Vendetta was especially bad, perverting the entire aesthetic of Moore's vision to score some cheap present-day political points. Moore was smart enough to call the movie crap--he doesn't seem to mind people making movies of his comics, so long as his name isn't attached to them in any significant way.

South Park

Probably both...Cartman going out and getting more cats to protect was more schindler's list (even his outfit I think?), but the hiding in the attic and giving the cat a diary was def Anne Frank.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Not to be a dick, but...

...Wasn't the reference centered more on Schindler's List than Diary of Anne Frank?

And yeah, it was a pretty awesome episode.

Best South Park in a long time...

I was crying, I was laughing so hard. References to Heavy Metal, Diary of Anne Frank and Eliot Spitzer....effing fantastic. Here is the episode, at the ultimate South Park site SouthParkZone.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Mike Gravel, former Democrat Sentator from Alaska and 2008 Democrat Presidential Candidate, has joined the Libertarian Party.

I like this guy:

I'd vote for him.

Maybe I forgot to mention

I'm buying an island from this guy. His construction looks top-notch. All behold the new nation of Kristanya!

"Our" next president

Did I miss something? Are you no longer an American, Slaps?

Gore will be the D nominee.


Barring a Gore '08 candidacy, enjoy your next President. Suckers.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

the "tragic view"

Philistine that I am, I'd never heard of this apparently famous playwright, David Mamet. He recently wrote this essay in the Village Voice-and yes, I can promise this is likely to be the only time I link to the Village Voice-confessing his disillusionment with liberalism.

I post this not to gloat that one of them has come to see the light-frankly, I don't care what leftist playwrights do or believe-but because it is a different perspective on political polemics than one usually finds in our poor public discourse. I will admit, though, that is nice to hear someone on the left admit that America is a nice place.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Two movies I'm ridiculously excitied about, coming out soon are the new Hellboy movie and Indiana Jones. IJ4 has more potential to disappoint though, as the first three are some of the best movies ever made. George Lucas, you've let me down big time before. Don't do it again. The first Hellboy was surprisingly (not really) awesome. So, so long as it doesn't pull a Spiderman 3 on us, it should be a guaranteed winner.

GI JOE? I'm pretty sure those Snake Eyes pics made me wet myself, especially since I read those comics like the bible. Also, don't they remember that Storm Shadow was brainwashed by Firefly? Jesus, you guys are idiots. He and Snake Eyes are like brothers. Larry Hama is still the best comic writer ever.

Also, if anybody is interested, John and I (I found it, John figured the stupid program out) found out how to play arcade games on your computer. So if you guys are interested, I guess just let us know. Back to Golden Axe for me!

Further proof that GIJOE has something to do with religion:
Thanks again, ISB.

Friday, March 21, 2008

GI Joe Movie worth getting excited about?

Early verdict: probably not.

Even though these pictures of Snake Eyes look pretty bad-ass, the whole production has a strong whiff of "Street Fighter: The Movie" to it. The cast is anchored by Dennis Quaid as Hawk. The rest of the cast looks laughably bad (that 3rd rock from the sun kid as Cobra Commander? wtf?!).

Economic worries?

Good article by Amity Shlaes. She recently published a book called The Forgotten Man about the depression. It's a bit of a revisionist history about FDR and the New Deal from what I've gleaned from reviews. As always, I haven't gotten around to reading it, but it's on the list.

Here she points out that Hoover's reputation today is not very accurate, and Democrats abuse history to bash Bush. Hoover was a bad president, but for quite different reasons than the conventional wisdom holds.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


In what might only interest me and Slaps, the guys behind Mr. Show are getting a new HBO show!

Friday, March 14, 2008

New Deadly Sins!

Thanks, Vatican! I was getting pretty bored committing the old ones anyways. I can claim at least 3 of the new 7 (in fact, I am guilty of 2-4 on the basis of my 11th grade science project alone: "Could the Hindenburg have been made out of marijuana? No, it could not."):

1. “Bioethical” violations such as birth control

2. “Morally dubious” experiments such as stem cell research

3. Drug abuse

4. Polluting the environment

5. Contributing to widening divide between rich and poor

6. Excessive wealth

7. Creating poverty

Thursday, March 13, 2008

More pretty awesome new music

Sometimes if you sort of like a band and let them sit for 6+ years or so (by which I mean ignore them) they come back and blow you away with some rock. This new Supergrass single is exactly what I need right now.

After you watch that video (and if you like it) watch this. Think Spinal Tap/Flight of the Conchords.

John's right,

My Name is Earl consistently has the best music of any TV show, ever. Although The Office still makes me laugh more.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Beware the Elven Jihad!

Now that the world is free from real problems and the physical war on terror (almost as laughable as the war on drugs) the US gov't is now looking to WoW for terrorists. Makes sense. Good job guys.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

More new music

Some more new stuff comes to mind...

Like Pearl Jam's new self-titled album, which rocks.

Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance (no really, it's good. Way better than American Idiot).

I've been listening to a lot of Cracker lately, which, if you haven't ever heard them are worth it.

Also, if you haven't heard them, The Scissor Sisters sound like 70's Elton reborn. Mika is Freddie Mercury reincarnated. Check them both out.

Finally (for now) Morris Day and the Time COMPLETELY funk your face off. They were in Purple Rain (the movie). I had completely forgotten about them until I went back into some older Prince and rediscovered them. Amazing. Here is the BEST example: