Sunday, August 09, 2009

Read this!

So I know I mentioned this to you guys in Michigan, but you should definitely check out Gene Wolfe. I've only read Book of the New Sun, (2 2-part books). I'd like to think that John and Nick will check it out based on our generally shared literary tastes, but Wolfe was recently interviewed by John J. Miller of National Review (in order to lure Bert in as well). Nick, as the writer of the group, might enjoy his critique of the modern short story. Also, he's a crazy, fantastic old man now. The interview is kind of awkward, but the books themselves are the exact opposite. I would be very interested in discussing these books later if anybody actually reads them.

I happened upon Shadow of the Torturer at a Borders in Boston, bought it, and was blown away. I think it might be better than Dune, which coming from me means a lot.

Also, this dude wrote a song about the Book of the New Sun, which sort of sums up the first book: