Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Citizens United

While I think the Court got it right, I have a feeling it'll be a political boon to Democrats (albeit a small one). They historically get their money in large chunks, especially from unions. Corporations don't really have ideological reasons for supporting either party and do not support Republicans as liberals would have us believe, especially these days when corporations are lining up to get in bed with the Fed, White House, and the Treasury, not to mention large companies' interest in a tolerable amount of regulation to discourage competition.

For the most ridiculous take on the case, and to see predictions that won't materialize, and perhaps one of the most imbecilic commentaries I've ever had the patience to watch 11 minutes of see Keith Olbermann's rant. He says Citizens United is even worse than Dred Scott and Sarah Palin will be the pretty face of the new corporate fascism. I kid you not. Somehow the man gets dumber every time he opens his mouth. You'd think there'd be a floor at some point...

I'm the man. Haven't I told you?

‘Well, the big difference here and in '94 was you've got me.' -President Obama

Suck on that Bill Clinton

Monday, January 25, 2010

This is spectacular:

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Worst decade ever.