Sunday, August 31, 2008

Red Alert 3

And Jonathan Pryce??? Holy friggen' crap!!!

You ready to send those commies running back to their mommies!?

How do you top a cast that includes both Michael Ironside and Billy Dee Williams? (C&C3).

It's tough, but Red Alert 3 might have pulled it off. Tim Curry... that loud paper boss from Spider Man, and George Takei as the Japanese Emperor who somehow commands giant fighting robots and submarine-jets.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

George will, exxon, etc

I like this:

"Exxon Mobil does make $1,400 a second in profits -- hear the sharp intakes of breath from liberals with pursed lips -- but pays $4,000 a second in taxes and $15,000 a second in operating costs."

I didn't read the article (didn't see the link), but if this is Will's attempt to justify gas prices, it fails in my opinion. Using productions costs, taxes, etc that are paid are all net cost before profit. I don't see how taxing big oil helps me in any way...they will just raise prices further to compensate and keep their greedy hands on as much cash as they can get.

As for Obama (and McCain), I'm sick of neither party being able to produce a candidate that is worth a crap. If one said I am going to drill and build refineries in Alaska (I know Obama won't because he probably doesn't know where Alaska is and McCain is still working on understanding this "interwebs craze the kids have going"), that would get my vote. The government can subsidize airlines - why can't they build some refineries (and I'm looking in republicans' direction since they've had the helm the last few years)?

Some perspective on Exxon

From George Will today:
"Obama thinks government is not getting a "reasonable share" of oil companies' profits, which in 2007 were, as a percentage of revenue (8.3 percent), below those of U.S. manufacturing generally (8.9 percent). Exxon Mobil pays almost as much in corporate taxes to various governments as the bottom 50 percent of American earners pay in income taxes. Exxon Mobil does make $1,400 a second in profits -- hear the sharp intakes of breath from liberals with pursed lips -- but pays $4,000 a second in taxes and $15,000 a second in operating costs."

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


post 1,000!!!! In your face chumps and chumpettes!

Re: the most beautiful people

I am more interested on someone explaining how this didn't make #1 on the list:

Stuff White People Like

Can't remember if one of you guys posted this site. Moderately humorous.

A taste from #82 Hating Corporations:
"When engaging in a conversation about corporate evils it is important to NEVER, EVER mention Apple Computers, Target or Ikea in the same breath as the companies mentioned earlier. White people prefer to hate corporations that don’t make stuff that they like."

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The most beautiful people

on Capitol Hill includes Dennis Kucinich's wife. Scroll down to No. 4. Explain that?


In the words of the poet, "I ain't that lonely yet."

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

So, Bert

Want to go CA for a few days? It's the new, gay Las Vegas!

good news, ladies

I know you're out there reading SPSW. The BMG is officially back on the market as of 10am today.

Birthday and divorce all in one day. I don't know whether to drink drink.

can't get enough lolcats

Monday, August 18, 2008

Norman Mailer

Apparently even Norman Mailer had reservations about the New Left and its destructiveness. Interesting book review by Hitchens. (I had to try hard not to write anything bad about Mailer before posting this.)

Nick, is there any Mailer worth reading?


I've found my best karaoke perfomance was of Queen's Don't Stop. And maybe The Cars' Just What I Needed is a close second.

How does one do a "fine Dylan" anyway? Horrid, drunk, and unintelligible?


My KTV (that's karaoke tv to you newbs) setlist from tonight, read it and weep:

Like a Rolling Stone (song directly below #3 on the list, accidental, although I did a fine Dylan)
Nothing Compares 2 U (w/ Prince falsetto)
Like a Prayer
S.O.S. >
Babe (somehow the big hit of the night, moreso than my flower dance)

Beat that.

Actually, I know no one I know can. We don't have awesome karaoke places like this. For shame.

Kobe Bryant, patriot

Sometimes good things come from bad people. Sounds like he recognizes how fortunate he is to be an American even if he is not a good one.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Nutritious Sandwich as advertised only half-correct

So I tried a "Nutritious Sandwich" last week in Keelung. Don't get me wrong, it was good. And it was indeed a sandwich. But I would not call it nutritious by any stretch. Here is what it looked like:

Now it was delicious. But here is what it is made of: tomato, cumcumber (sort of pickled), hammy meat (Taiwanese ham? I have no clue). And mayonaise. Lots and lots of mayonaise. Too much for me. All of this is shoved into fried bread (FANTASTIC!). Mayonaise and fried bread? Delicious, not very nutritious.

Also I tried "fried fish paste" which turned out to be more like "fried fried" with Red Hot, so not too bad.
I'm not sure why it came with pickles. Finally, I tried the craziest thing I think I've tried here, an ice cream burrito. Or spring roll, I guess. Peanut shavings + ice cream + cilantro + spring roll wrap = weird-ass dessert. Here's the lady making it:

Friday, August 15, 2008

Mr T

Also, wouldn't the slogan "Get some nuts" seem to be encouraging people to be gay?

Body of Lies

It does look pretty cool, but I sense that stale plot of lone CIA agent (good guy) vs. US government (center of evil in the universe) like the Bourne movies and just about every other CIA/FBI movie.


The new Russell Crowe/Leonardo DiCaprio/Ridley Scott movie Body of Lies looks pretty effin' awesome.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Also from WSJ Online:
"An American who deserted the U.S. Army to protest the Iraq War and who has been ordered deported back home will file a new appeal in Canada's Federal Court, his lawyer said on Thursday," Reuters reports:

Jeremy Hinzman is the first U.S. deserter in recent years to apply for refugee status in Canada. Immigration authorities determined that he did not face persecution or hardship if he were returned to the United States and told him on Wednesday he had until September 23 to leave the country.

Hinzman has already managed to drag this thing out for 4½ years; we first noted his case in February 2004. And there is something of a whitewash going on. Reuters describes him as having deserted "to protest the Iraq War." Congress authorized the use of military force in October 2002, and the shooting began in March 2003, but Hinzman didn't desert until January 2004. Why? Probably because he was about to be deployed.

At the same time, Hinzman was not only against the Iraq war; he seems to have been thoroughgoingly anti-American, as described by the Toronto Globe and Mail article we quoted back in '04:

On Sept. 11, [Hinzman's wife] heard a news broadcast and knew immediately that life was going to change. The young couple suddenly found themselves amid frenetic patriotism they didn't share. They were horrified by the jetliner attacks but intellectually (Mr. Hinzman read the left-tilting Nation and Noam Chomsky) saw them as a consequence of U.S. foreign policy.

What then motivated Hinzman to join the military? He wanted to go to college, and he didn't want to go into debt for fear of, as he put it, "starting a whole cycle of middle-class existence." It is a tribute to America's freedom that the military permitted him to join even though his motives were mercenary and his loyalty to the country apparently nonexistent. But he ought to pay a heavy price for failing to keep his end of the bargain.

Mr. T across the pond

From WSJ Online
London's Mail on Sunday:
A chocolate bar advertisement featuring Mr T has been taken off the air after accusations that it is "homophobic."
In the Snickers commercial, Mr T--who played BA Baracus in the 1980s show The A Team--pulls up in a truck alongside a man exercising in tight yellow shorts and shouts: "Speed walking. I pity you fool. You are a disgrace to the man race. It's time to run like a real man."

He then forces the man to break into a sprint by taking pot shots at him with a Snickers machine gun. The commercial ends with Mr T uttering the slogan to the current Snickers campaign--"Get some nuts."

Only two people complained to Britain's Advertising Standards Authority about the ad. "However, it prompted strong protests from the U.S.--even though it was never shown on American television."

The Mail quotes gay Brits who were unperterbed. One describes himself as "fed up with the ultra-politically correct stance" of a complaining organization. Another says, "'I'm gay and I found the ad hilarious."

Should we despair that Americans are so much more humorless than the rest of the world? Or should we look on the bright side and appreciate how unwittingly funny the enforcers of political correctness are? We'll opt for the latter.

Does our not knowing this count as an epic fail?

Apparently there's a rock opera based on Othello called Catch My Soul. At one point it starred Richie Havens, whom I imagine is an awesome Othello. Strangely enough, I found this out in the Patrick McGoohan bio on Wikipedia. The album was not available on itunes on my last check.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

ur lulz

Pill post

That explains my ex-girlfriends. Problem solved. *hangs up detective hat*

And for your reading enjoyment, I give you The Ultimate Warrior's personal blog. While you're trying to decide if it's worth reading or not (it is - see excerpt below), let me just tell you the blog is called "Warrior's Machete." I also encourage you to use the "Notable Links" tab and go to his web page" "Warrior Web."

From The Warrior's Mouth: "Martin Luther King can have his own self-titled birthday recognized as a National Holiday, but not our country’s First President? Should I go on? Should I have to? Do I want to? Will I? You bet your ass I will."

Continued on his blog....

Scent of a Man

The pill apparently changes women's preferences in men.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Interpret as you like...

"Bill Clinton Gets a Choice Slot at Democratic Convention"--headline, Agence France-Presse, Aug. 8

The Sky is Falling

Some fun with economic reporting.

Re: Gayest high fives

huh....based on what I've seen out of chinese men around here, I would have assumed if china did have men's gymnastics team, the world would literally turn inside-out and everyone would turn gay. chinese men might be the gayest men on the planet (accidental or otherwise).

The Gold for gayest high fives...

...goes to China's mens gymnastics team.

Bluefish sort of defeated - muskie here I come

Went bluefishing with the is evidence to their mightiness (that's a 4'O stainless steel hook attached to a wire leader that one bent while I was fighting him before he got off - they have nasty teeths!) and also me with one. I had many blisters from catching 6 of them...also bro's car was struck by lightning and he has to get new one. So much for rubber insulating against such things. Anyways, muskie are next on my list.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Jon Voight?

Who knew? I won't call it brave, but this can't be good for him in Hollywood.


Fun article from Jonny Voight on how Obama will turn the country into a socialist hellhole. I apologize if you get the gross add with the kid with a hairlip or some such disgustingness. Not me - wash post. Fun aside, though. As I read the article, I could hear Voight talking. He writes exactly how is characters act, which makes me believe he is not acting at all...

*Who Would Jon Voight Vote For?

Iraq 5 years on

Hitchens again making the case better than anyone in the administration has for invading Iraq. They guy rubs me wrong, but he's been very clear sighted and consistent about Iraq (even I had my doubts three-and-a-half years in).

He also weighed in on Pat Buchanan's new WWII book, Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War, with Victor Davis Hanson here. (Scroll down to five parts titled In Defense of WWII.)

Well, I coulda' told you about Cleveland...

"America's fastest dying cities"

How to fight this trend? I don't know. Cleveland is depressing as Hell, so I'm glad to get out.


And now Isaac Hayes, beloved voice of Chef? Criminy.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Bernie Mac died? Lame.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Re: So....

Yes...get them. I will make a birthday trip to buffalo to watch that game. I may also wear my gb favre jersey. Or get a jets one and cut them in half for two half-n-half jerseys. Not sure....

This country is goddamn fantastic.

Here is my new favorite song (yeah, I know this probably changes weekly). Also, it's helping me remember my numbers in Mandarin! The rest is in Taiwanese (or English). Still, totally awesome.

I can't decide if this is easier to get stuck in my head than "The Flower Song" or not. I gotta learn that countdown thing she does with her fingers though.

Thursday, August 07, 2008


....should I try to get tickets for NYJ at Buffalo, November 2?

Cleveland at Buffalo is a Monday night game, November 17.

Monday, August 04, 2008

I've been trying to decide which of these is better:

Just to remind you:

The soundtrack to Dumb and Dumber is still one of the best soundtracks to any movie. Now back to whatever it was you were doing.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Bush not = Batman

It seems a little far fetching to me to paint Bush as a savior, but whatever. I guess that makes Cheney Superman and they have their Justice League Cabinet: Carlos Gutierrez (Aquaman!), Dirk Kempthorn (Flash), Michale Mukasey (Green Lantern), Steve Preston (Wonder Woman - come on Steve - housing and urban development is a woman's job), and Michael Chertoff (Green Arrow) with support from lesser heroes: Elaine Chao (Black Canary), Mary Peters (Hawkgirl), James Peake (Atom) and Condaleezza Rice (Black Lightning).*

More importantly, skeksis are real (at least that's what I am choosing to believe):

* I based these solely on looks (and entertaining me), not on what any has done.