Thursday, August 30, 2007

Dr. May

Brian May has gotten around to finishing off the degree he started back in the seventies--before he was distracted by some rock band called Queen.

I'm tickled by this partly because Queen if one of my very favorite groups of all time, and I've always thought May was a woefully underrated guitarist.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Paragon of eloquence

When I watched this, I wept (but only half with laughter).

Check out how Slater can barely keep from cracking up.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Those darn Indians

Yeah, I guess it looks kind of crazy to beat up on a team for being in 1st place. But they're only still in first because the Tigers have sucked as well. I should revise my statement:

The Indians may stumble their way into the playoffs. But even if they do, they'll make an early exit, as the other three American league combatants will probably be able to put up more than one or two runs per game. Then I'll be so sad.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Go Tribe

What kind of fan bashes his team when they are in first place? C'mon Larson. They're beating up on the Tigers.

Being a Reds fan and an anti-Indian at Ashland, it's been difficult to pull for the Tribe, but I've finally come around to cheering them on in that lesser league. Since my team is 9.5 out with only a month to play (albeit playing decent baseball at the moment) I'm rooting for the Indians.

Other than that, good to have you back.

Long live Skyrmir


Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Monday, August 13, 2007

I have returned

I haven't been in here in quite a while...sorry (or maybe it was better that way). I was too lazy to dick around with the new google/old blogger bullshit for a while, then there was some crap about cookie functionality that was uncorrectable. Now that I use Mozilla, it seems to work okay.

Anyhow, here's some quick takes on the last 3000 posts in the blog:

1. Apparently, I'm not spending enough time on YouTube (or maybe I am spending just enough).

2. While I was tickled to see the GOP lose their majority, I fully expected the Democrats to start doing stupid stuff sooner or later. My only surprise is the rapidity with which they've started the stupidity. And though I'm counting the minutes until the Emperor goes back to clearing brush full time, I am sobered by the realization that one of these gutterball candidates is going to be his replacement.

3. As for lists (regarding the last thing I posted), I should clarify. I'm not against them in principle. Though there can never be anything like a definitive list, they can serve a useful purpose for defining canons, starting conversations with people in bars, and so forth. I was just really pissed by the contents of that particular list.

...and a few new topics:

4. So what's up with the last Harry Potter book? I thought for sure there would be all kinds of discussion. I basically liked it, despite a few pacing problems and occasional frigidity by the author.

5. Are we all still playing fantasy football this year? You better be.

6. Though it certainly has moments of sheer brilliance, I've finally concluded that The Family Guy is the most inconsistent and lazily written show I watch.

7. The Indians won't make the playoffs. They suck. Goddamn Indians....


Saturday, August 11, 2007

The new Flash Gordon on SciFi

Is terrible! Flash Gordon is a loser who lives with his mom?
And what the hell is the point of coming BACK to earth?

This show might as well be called "Some Flash Gordon characters doin' boring stuff on earth."


Wednesday, August 08, 2007

This is funny

Thought it worth the minute it'll take to read this. Plus I wanted to feel a little more like I contribute to the socio-political tones of this blog.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

This is the Ron Paul I want to see more of:

Kickin' ass and takin' names!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Elton on the internet

Shut it down for the sake of music, he says.

PS: what's he looking at in this picture that's bringing such delight to his face?

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Another nail in the music industry's coffin

Effing ridiculous. I hope the music industry goes (further) down in flames.