Sunday, March 28, 2010

I still do the clapping when I hear "Too much time on my hands"

I was not aware it is embarrassing to love Styx. Now my unanswered request for "any classic Styx" at the department Christmas party makes sense....

Friday, March 26, 2010

Frum: Modern Day Machiavelli?

I know that David Frum doesn't have many friends around here for his numerous and well-reported apostasies, but I did find this summary run-down of his current position on conservatism convincing. I'm not sure about his big claims surrounding gritty day-to-day politics, but his critiques of the profits-over-results conservative media entertainment industry are persuasive, in my view (and, to be fair and state the obvious, the political entertainment industry is not just a creature of the right, or something that was invented with Fox News--MSNBC is just as bad and frequently far worse).

Just to lay all my cards on the table, one of the reason's that I find National Review so difficult to stomach these days (other than what Jarrod might label a slouchy leftward drift on my part) is the fact that so many of NR's contributor's have bought into the model of conservative-thought-entrepreneurs. No doubt these will be lucrative years for many of them.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

NFL Overtime

I have to agree with Brad Childress. If they are going to change the rules, they need to change them for the regular season too. It doesn't seem like a bad rule though. A coin toss and a field goal is kind of a lame way to end a football game.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New NFL Overtime Rules

So what do y'all think?

I don't have strong opinions either way. But... I'm interested to see how the change plays out. Will it make overtime games more exciting? Probably, but they were already pretty exciting. The rules sound to me like they build more risk into the equation; which is to say, you can't get a decent return, a good pass or two, and then run three times before kicking a field goal. Since they're going with it anyways, I'd like to see the rule in the regular season, so we could see Belichick going for it on 4th down in overtime to get a touchdown.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I'm beginning to become a conspiracy theorist on the Toyota front. Government (with the UAW) takes over GM and Chrysler. All the sudden Toyota is the most evil corporation on the planet and just happens to be the most successful (and non-unionized) car company in the world.

Just a thought...

Exorcising Toyota’s Demons

The Toyota Tort Circus

Andrew Breitbart

Slate ran an interesting piece on Andrew Breitbart today.

Some money quotes:

"Bill Clinton comes in, and his entire M.O. is mowing down as much trim as he can. … Yet the feminists ignored Bill Clinton and they excoriated Clarence Thomas. That's everything to me."

Breitbart traces everything he despises about cultural liberalism to his college days. "When I told my parents I was an American studies major, they were like, 'That's fantastic! Did you read Mark Twain?' 'No, I didn't.' 'What did you read?' 'Marcuse, Adorno, Horkheimer, Michel Foucault.' 'They don't sound American!' 'They're not.' " Luckily, recalls Breitbart, "I was too drunk to be completely indoctrinated by it."

There's a maxim that Breitbart wants to be "the Arianna Huffington of the right." Nonsense, he said. "I'd rather be the Ted Turner of the right." The analogy is one of scale as much as politics. He doesn't just want to be a parasite and critic of the mainstream media. He wants to displace it.

"Mom: 'How's school?' 'Loving it.' 'How's that $30,000 a year going?' 'Oh man, I'm having a great time, thanks for sending me to college. It's really cheery stuff. I've read about raped black women in the South, there's women being used in [the] sex slave trade, men are really bad, and white men are even worse, and our Founding Fathers are a bunch of fucking fuckheads."

"I don't care if Andrew Sullivan dreams of me as a bear. He could torture me and I'd allow for it."

Friday, March 12, 2010


This is so nerdtastic I think only Nick can sufficiently explain it. I mean, pick out the obscure references:

Saturday, March 06, 2010


He was Gordon Lightfoot before Gordon Lightfoot was Gordon Lightfoot: