Thursday, November 19, 2009

Behold, the powers of prog!

The Secret of Science:

But don't get caught in a Floyd!

Gathering Storm

I've said my piece before on Robert Jordan; here's a review of mostly praise for Sanderson's first attempt to tie up the series. Sounds promising. Think I can just read that book without having to go back and start over? (I never read 8-11.)

Re: Synth Ninja

I really wish I was that good on the sonic keys. Alas... I am not.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

This made me chuckle

Two Papers in One!

  • "The argument against unions--that they unduly burden employers with unreasonable demands--is one that corporate America makes in good times and bad. . . . The real issue is whether enhanced unionizing would worsen the recession, and there is no evidence that it would. There is a strong argument that the slack labor market of a recession actually makes unions all the more important."--editorial, New York Times, Dec. 29, 2008
  • "The New York Times News Service will lay off at least 25 editorial employees next year and will move the editing of the service to a Florida newspaper owned by The New York Times Company. . . . The plan for the news service calls for The Gainesville Sun, whose newsroom is not unionized and has lower salaries, to take over editing and page design."--news story, New York Times, Nov. 13, 2009
From James Taranto at WSJOnline yesterday.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Don't say I didn't warn you

As anyone who has watched their precious supply depots rendered ashes by a swift night attack knows, you simply cannot trust Lord Cao. "I'd rather betray the world than let the world betray me." Indeed, Cao. Indeed.

Friday, November 06, 2009

Same as before...

You signed the contract, so the video game can send you to fight aliens, or suit you up to play QB, or force your likeness to ventriloquize other people's songs. Whine more, No Doubt.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Yeah, that's awesome but...

...Cartman really commits to the song:

Edited to put in a video that actually works.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Monday, November 02, 2009

Happy belated Halloween

I have a new Halloween tradition that involves watching this: