Thursday, November 30, 2006

Senator-elect Webb

Although I didn't vote for him, I thought Jim Webb might turn out to be a decent Democrat Senator despite the awful campaign run by both candidates down here. However, he's off to a poor start without actually having started his term.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

No more Hobbits for Peter Jackson

According to the December 1 issue of Entertainment Weekly, New Line has announced Jackson will not direct the film adaptations (it appears they're going to milk two pictures out of it). The article cites some contract disagreement, blah, blah...this sucks.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Thousandfold Thought

A pretty honest review of The Thousandfold Thought, the last in Bakker's trilogy, which I think has just come out. I will say this: Bakker is trying to do a lot more than most authors with his books. It doesn't always work, but as these things go, the mere effort makes it more compelling than most of the alternatives on the fantasy shelf.

I'm in the first third of the second book of the trilogy, The Warrior-Prophet. I'm a bit underwhelmed so far. Apparently spent 12-13 years writing and polishing the first book, and then, once the contract came in, wrote the second in less than a year. It shows. But I'd still rather read him than, say, I'm-going-to-teach-you-how-to-pronounce-my-character's-names Robert Jordan.


Knowing next to nothing about college football, and having heard all of the arguments each way over and over again, I'll throw this out there:

OSU and Michigan should rematch for the national championship.

Why? Because it's the only game I want to watch.

I mean, really. How many times to did Rocky and Apollo Creed rematch? At least two. And they would've done more if Apollo hadn't died. But before that they became friends. See my point?