Monday, December 03, 2007

Buckeyes #1? WTF? College football is bad

Now I know I'm going to catch some grief for this, but how in God's name are the buckeyes #1? I think it might be because OSU vs. LSU, plain and simple, is a more billable game and would make the most money out the possible match-ups. Honestly, who did OSU play that would warrant them to play in the title game over undefeated Hawaii, one loss Kansas or any of the two loss teams? I don't understand college football and I don't understand the fans (because I'm sure everyone in C-bus is strutting around like the cock of the walk because OSU is in another title game and how you can be proud about basically buying your way in is beyond me). You can argue that teams benefit from weak schedules in the NFL, but at least there's a play-off system in place and the rewarding of a title isn't arbitrary and money-based (possibly excepting the Steeler's most recent title). As disenchanted as I am with New England this year, I will root for them before I ever root for OSU (or LSU - I'm hoping that they both lose somehow). At least the Patriots are going to earn whatever they get in the end on the field and not in the pocketbooks of the big wigs.