It boggles my mind how things like this are frequently printed in one of the most-read newspapers in the country.
I will agree, however, that many Republicans are only concerned with keeping power and not governing. Or, at least their brand of responsible governing means acting like a Democrat.
But this partisan nonsense is nearly Dowd-like.
First, the author assumes without argument that an increased minimum wage is a moral imperative. Apparently opposing an increase in the minimum wage makes one a "Dickensian grotesque". Wait, actually just being a Republican might make you a Dickensian grotesque.
Second, cutting the estate tax is a similar moral outrage, and Republican's are evil Machiavellians for tying this to a minimum wage increase. Good God man! It's called compromise. Legislators have been doing it since the dawn of legislatures!
Finally, these same evil Republicans wield a far-right ideology that is allowing the "corporate welfare state" to crumble and global warming to turn the planet to "toast".
This guy doesn't even know what "far-right ideology" is if he thinks the big-government, big-spending, out-democrat-the-democrats Republicans are far right. Elect me and some other real right-wingers and we'll make this pantywaste cry.
No. I take that back. Let's elect this guy. Low-paying entry jobs will start at $15 an hour and afford 17-year-olds and illegal immigrants lavish lifestyles. The planet will cool down with the stroke of a pen. Candy and nuts will rain from the sky.