Monday, February 06, 2006


I'm sorry for ever arguing with you about the nfl. I'm pretty sure Vince McMahon scripted that superbowl last night. I was waiting for the lights to go out and the loudspeaker to blare "DO YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING?" and then HHH would pedegree the rock and maybe hit jerome bettis with a bench. Awful, awful, awful game. Those were superbowl caliber refs? Really? I'm not sure I can bring myself to watch a game next year. If I were a pitts player, I would have run off the field and hid under a hooded sweatshirt until I was safely out of Detroit. Maybe that was payback for the Polamalu call against indy? If so, it seems excessive. I think Bill Leavy should've gotten the MVP. This is one of the few times I can think of that consistently awful officiating has affected the outcome of a game. I'm just gonna go ahead and assume it was the nfl saying "here jerome, win a superbowl in your hometown. you just show up, get about 37 yards and we will do the rest."
