Thursday, December 15, 2005
Yeah I got that. My point in that post was that it's basically an entertainment industry now as much as a sporting one. Sort of a real life wwf or something. As such, everyone knows you know about the shadiness that goes on with players, teams, etc. I think what is going on is that there are quite a few decent players and that because they are trying to gear football towards the family entertainment genre (tagliabue released a press statement last year about this), they focus on the better aspects of the know - for the kids. I mean, come on, do you really think anyone over the age of 12 credits anything Joe Theisman says as intelligent and worthy of consideration? Of course not. That's why there's no more Dennis Miller or Rush Limbaugh - too controversial (except maybe in Dennis Miller's case where it was maybe too abstract and remote with the references). So rest easy - when you have kids they can enjoy football and not be negatively influenced by the lesser quality aspects of the game. Cuz the NFL is one big happy family and it loves you.