Friday, October 14, 2005

Supreme Court. Also I think I have a crush on Virginia Postrel

The Supreme Court should be composed of the best legal minds of the country. Harriet Miers is not that. This president is totally squandering a chance to restore the primacy of the Constitution in our nation. I was never really "with" Bush (although I would have voted him had it been close in AK; my hatred of Edwards and respect for Cheney were enough to shore that up). He clearly is not particularly concerned with how he leaves this country when he's done. His concern is his legacy in the "War Against Terror." Screw domestic policy!
My personal choice for a new Justice was most definitely Janice Brown. Not because she's black or a woman but because she be havin' a crazy, badass libertarian-conservative-STRICT constructionist view of the Constitution. She'd slap Scalia if he got out of line. Breyer and Souter would be afraid of her. She'd cuss out Ginsberg fo' bein' a "natty ho." She'd impress the Cheif Justice with the junk in her trunk too. I say the Court needs her sass.
Finally, I am sick and tired of hearing about "judicial activism" and precedent. If precedent is WRONG it needs to be reversed which requires activity. Roe v. Wade, regardless of your thoughts on abortion is stupid, stupid Constitutional law. Activism is necessary (within the sphere of the actual text of the Constitution) in order to restore the Constitution to its original meaning/intentions. Stop treating precedence as the end-all, be-all.
Finally, here is an interesting article on the state of cloning science in Canada (hint, things are MUCH worse there) by Virginia Postrel, whom, I find out, is actually pretty hot.