Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Re: GNR is back

Corresponding negative review from Slate. Here's some cold November rain on your parade:

"So make no mistake: Chinese Democracy is an Axl Rose solo record."


GNR is back?

Chuck Klosterman reviews Chinese Democracy. Most reviews seem fairly positive, so I am optimistic. Also, Buckethead totally rules.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Resto Shaman co-chairing Obama's FCC transition team

Yeah. I hope to title more posts like this. In fact, vacant political positions should be delegated according to success in online gaming. Subtlety Rogue, 400+resil for RNC chairman, anyone?


I'm sure he was the first name on Obama's list. Right up there with Phil Gramm.

Two items of note:

1. Ron Paul for Secretary of the Treasury! Do you smell that? Smells like gold standard!

2. Woolly mammoth genome half-sequenced! But we are still years away from actually cloning one I think.

The economy

This seems right to me. What markets need is predictability and stability. All that the government is doing now and the uncertainty surrounding what it will do next will only hinder a recovery.

Mitt Romney Opposes Detroit Bailout

Romney in the NYTimes Tuesday. Congress should take heed.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Indiana Jones IV

Goodness, this movie was bad. Really, really bad. How could they mess this up? Is the Indy formula that hard to re-create? This movie had no tenison, no wit, no charm, no nothing. It was a tired parade of cliches and half-truths about American life, and way way to science fictiony for me. I can't comprehend the terribleness, I thought Spielberg would modify Lucas's crappy crappiness, but no, it was too powerful. Now I will have to ignore that this movie ever existed when I watch the first three. Depressing. Anger consumes me.

Some praise for David Brooks

His column today is pretty good. It's about how corporate welfare is a threat to capitalism. I was reminded of WFB's observation that capitalism's worst enemies are capitalists. WFB was talking about ostentatious wealth and law breaking bringing public scorn on CEO's, etc. Lining up at the government trough is pretty contemptible behavior as well.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Bashing David Brooks

is fun these days. And when Ann Coulter does it, it is funny. Call me anti-intellectual I guess, Nick.

"John McCain is Bob Dole minus the charm, conservatism and youth."

Quoting Brooks: "National candidates who begin with reformist records -- Giuliani, Romney or McCain -- immediately tack right to be acceptable to the power base."

Coulter responds: (Some "tack" so far to the right they almost adopt the positions in the GOP platform!)

Mitch McConnell

Thankfully, Kentucky returned one of few conservatives to the Senate. George Will writes about him today. The article is not exceptional but it had this funny line about McConnell's re-election and being the most important Republican in Washington:

This apotheosis has happened even though he is handicapped by, as National Review rather cruelly says, "an owlish, tight-lipped public demeanor reminiscent of George Will."

A little caustic...

...but some good points. I think it is correct to say that Republicans won't win elections by being Democrat Lite.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


An important fact about the President-Elect:
(filtered through something like 3 sources)

He collects Spider-Man and Conan the Barbarian comics.

I have italicized and bolded the important information in that sentence. I can only hope we will see much ale-swilling, wench-bedding and decapitation in the next four years.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Does anyone else hate the GEICO commercials? The cave man ones. Somebody please make them stop.

Monday, November 03, 2008

I'm on hold

... and the hold music is a muzaky piano version of Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. That's all.